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About Us

About Us

Founded in 1976, Temel Kum Çakıl ve İnş. Mlz. Tic. and Ltd. Ltd. Our story, which started as a company, started by operating in deep sea sandblasting. Over the years, we have also been involved in the building materials and construction industry. We started maritime transportation in international waters in 1990. In this process, we have taken important steps with our experience and knowledge in the sector and today, as Kiana Maritime and Construction Joint Stock Company, we are proud to be one of the leading names in the sector in maritime transportation.


While a new one is being added to our group companies every day, Kiana Denizcilik ve İnşaat Anonim Şirketi, which is the continuation of Temel Kum Çakıl ve İnş.Malz.Tic.Ltd.Şti, which started in the construction sector, will continue its activities in maritime transportation and maintain its leadership in the sector.


“Our strength comes from our unity, together we reach all waters…”